Thursday 31 October 2013


Allah Berfirman:
…. “Tidak ada yang berputus asa dari rahmat Tuhannya, kecuali orang yang sesat” (Al-Hijr: 56)

Allah yang telah menurunkan Al Quran melalui Malaikat Jibril kepada Rasullah dan mengajarkannya hingga kepada kita selama 14 abad lebih, terjaga dan terpelihara,

“Sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang menurunkan Al Quran dan pasti Kami (pula) yang memeliharanya” (Al-Hijr:9)

Ayat ini memberikan jaminan tentang kesucian dan kemurnian Al Quran selama-lamanya hingga akhir jaman. Ayat pertama yang diterima Rasullaah Saw adalah surat Al ‘Alaq (1-5):
“Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan. Dia telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah yang paling pemurah. Yang mengajar (manusia) dengan perantara kalam. Dia Mengajarkan kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya)”

Agar kita rajin membaca untuk mengetahui, mempelajari, memahami dan mengamalkan seluruh isi Al Quran.

Untuk Para Muslimah

Ummat Islam banyak yang menganggap remeh dalam berpakaian dan berpenampilan, khususnya wanita. Banyak wanita yang mengaku beragama Islam, tetapi menganggap jilbab, pakaian takwaan yang disyari’atkan agama, tetapi mereka menolaknya mentah-mentah, atas nama modernisasi, emansipasi wanita, di mana wanita bebas memilih pakaian yang ingin ia kenakan.
Padahal sebagai seorang wanita yang mengaku sebagai pemeluk agama Islam (Muslimah), seharusnya mereka tahu, bahwa dalam Islam, sebagai tanda ketakwaan mereka harus menjalankan perintah Allah SWT., secara keseluruhan, tanpa pilah pilih. Karena Islam itu, tunduk patuh pada syariat Allah. Sepenuhnya.
Allah berfirman:
Wahai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepada kalian untuk menutupi aurat kalian dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian takwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah. Mudah-mudahan, mereka selalu ingat.” (al A’raf: 26)

Saturday 26 October 2013

Islam's Position on Polygamy

Dr. Bilal Philips

Muslims are often accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in Islam.
Islam did not introduce polygamy. Unrestricted polygamy was practiced in most human societies throughout the world in every age. Islam regulated polygamy by limiting the number of wives and establishing responsibility in its practice.
Monogamy of the West inherited from Greece and Rome where men were restricted by law to one wife but were free to have as many mistresses among the majority slave population as they wished. In the West today, most married men have extramarital relations with mistresses, girlfriends and prostitutes. Consequently the Western claim to monogamy is false.

Dr.Maurice and the Pharaoh - Qur'an & Science

Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth

Author: Abdu-Radhi Muhammad Abdul-Mohsen
Publishing House: International Islamic Publishing House
ISBN: 978-9960-501-10-9

Muhammad has become a target for Islam's long-established adversaries and their armies of missionaries and orientalists who have aroused suspicions and propagated allegations against the Prophet of Islam and his Message. Their objective has always been to distort the image of the Prophet of Islam in the eyes of those who do not know him and consequently drive them away from studying Islam and contemplating it in a desperate attempt to lay obstacles in the path of Islam's mission so as to impede its vital role in guiding humanity.
Many Muslim scholars have written to defend the Prophet since doing so is an honor and a duty for them. However, such efforts have been made either incidentally in answer to orientalists and missionaries, or in the course of speaking about the evidence of prophethood in Islam. Furthermore, most of the writings were done by non-specialists, although the nature of the topic requires the knowledge of a number of aspects of Islamic philosophy, the history of religions, and western thought. All this made the present study an obligation dictated by the imperious need to introduce Islam as the only cultural alternative that is capable of convincing today's civilized man.
So, Was Muhammd a prophet or an imposter?
Did Moses really tell of his coming?
Did Jesus order future generations to follow him?
Does the bible describe him and his message?
All these are questions that the author is going to give answers in this book.
The Evidence of Prophethood

Friday 11 October 2013


14 Agustus 2012 pukul 19:22

Many people underestimate the dress and appearance, especially women. Many women who claim to be Muslims, but to assume the veil, which disyari'atkan takwaan religious clothing, but they reject it outright, in the name of modernization, emancipation of women, where women are free to choose clothes that he wanted to wear.

But as a woman who claimed to be followers of the religion of Islam (Muslim), they should know that in Islam, as a sign of devotion they have to run the commands of Allah., As a whole, without aggregated select. Because Islam, the Shari'a submissive to God. Completely.

He said:

"O son of Adam, verily We have sent down to you to cover your nakedness and beautiful clothes to jewelry. Self-restraint and clothing that's the most good. That is part of Allah's signs. Hopefully, they always remember. "(Al A'raf: 26)

Islam educates people with specific education, and rule men with a certain law, set out their problems on certain basics, creating a sense of community and specific elements.

Islamic law and Islamic principles in educating women with real Islamic education. Education that will nurture of animalistic instincts, passions and feelings will menyerunya order to act with civility, kerana he was embarrassed to God.

Dear Muslimah

Don’t Marry a Man who doesn't pray...
Because the one who doesn't give the right of ALLAH Won’t give you your rights...!!!
It’s a story which is not about a man putting a ring in your finger.
But it’s about you putting your Deen in a man who may increase that Deen or decrease it So choose well your future husband...!!!

Thursday 10 October 2013

What Does Islam Say About Forced/Arranged/Love/ Secret Marriages?

By Shaykh Muhammad Salim Ghisa

Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and woman, which makes each other permissible for them
to enjoy and live happily. Allah has described, in the most moving and eloquent terms, this eternal, natural relationship between man and woman, which is filled with security, love, understanding and compassion: And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Quran 30:21) Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and woman, which makes each other permissible for them to enjoy and live happily. Allah has described, in the most moving and eloquent terms, this eternal, natural relationship between man and woman, which is filled with security, love, understanding and compassion:“And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Quran 30:21) Marriage is also an important part of the Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless

Saturday 5 October 2013

Six wedding Dawa considerations

Reprinted from
Social gatherings are an ideal place to make Dawa, and a Muslim wedding is a great example of this. Weddings are places where non-Muslims can learn about one facet of Islam in a relaxed social atmosphere without feeling they are being preached to. Here are some practical tips you can use to make Dawa at a Muslim wedding:

1. Make sure you explain some aspects of what will take place at the wedding beforehand.
How should a guest dress at a Muslim gathering? How do Muslims greet the bride and the groom? What kind of gift would be suitable? These are just some of the protocol issues that may come up during the wedding and could cause surprise and/or embarrassment for non-Muslim guests who may not understand Muslim practices relating to gender interaction or modesty,