Friday 11 October 2013


14 Agustus 2012 pukul 19:22

Many people underestimate the dress and appearance, especially women. Many women who claim to be Muslims, but to assume the veil, which disyari'atkan takwaan religious clothing, but they reject it outright, in the name of modernization, emancipation of women, where women are free to choose clothes that he wanted to wear.

But as a woman who claimed to be followers of the religion of Islam (Muslim), they should know that in Islam, as a sign of devotion they have to run the commands of Allah., As a whole, without aggregated select. Because Islam, the Shari'a submissive to God. Completely.

He said:

"O son of Adam, verily We have sent down to you to cover your nakedness and beautiful clothes to jewelry. Self-restraint and clothing that's the most good. That is part of Allah's signs. Hopefully, they always remember. "(Al A'raf: 26)

Islam educates people with specific education, and rule men with a certain law, set out their problems on certain basics, creating a sense of community and specific elements.

Islamic law and Islamic principles in educating women with real Islamic education. Education that will nurture of animalistic instincts, passions and feelings will menyerunya order to act with civility, kerana he was embarrassed to God.

A Muslim is the backbone of Islam, because he was the first madrasas for their children someday. Children who will be born from her womb as a successor and in the Islamic fighters. The attack happened in the entire Muslim world one of them through fashion.

Women by nature love something beautiful, beautiful. Clothing and jewelry. Jewish conspiracy, in attacking Muslim women are through, clothing. Without us knowing they are doing campaigns through advertisements in the mass media. At first we would be strange (uncomfortable) look skimpy clothes, sexy and vulgar, but, because it used to see him every day, every second, within a week, for months in a long period of time. We'll get used to even be persuaded to wear them. For example jeans, advertised with a beautiful and sexy woman. Jeans are made form the legs and thighs of women to be thin, long, sexy like a model. So many veiled Muslim woman (slang) who wear them now, the virus Westernisation, Westernization of life style which is not realized. Slowly, but surely these Muslim women would take off their headscarves for trendy clothes. Plus the ideas expressed by the bearer of liberalism as well as feminists, who regard it only as a scarf of Arab culture, not as a Shari'a that God commands us Muslim women.

Hijab is a sign of respect for Muslim women. So the veil for women honored the Muslim woman. Not as a limitation of movement as it campaigned for the liberals and feminists. And the veil is also a barrier between Muslim women believers to disbelieve women and hypocritical.

We should be proud as a Muslim woman, because God has chosen us. Therefore do not we lay yiakan gift God has given you. Dear Muslim, let's veiled, as that was where God says:

"O Prophet, say to your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers: 'Let them extend their whole body veil,' That is sepaya them easier to recognize, because they were not molested. And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful "(al Ahzab: 59)

Rasullah said:

"O Asma ', when a woman has undergone periods, it is not allowed to see her except this and this. He signaled his face and his hands. "(Abu Dawud)

The word is shown to Rasullah SAW., His wives and his daughters and wives of the believers suggest that all Muslim women are required to run this command without any exception at all.

About the hijab, there are several requirements that are not valid without the hijab that is:

First: Hijab must cover the entire body of the body except face and palms, which is charged when giving testimony and prayer.

Second: The Hijab is not intended as a decoration for her, so it is not allowed to wear a brightly colored cloth, or cloth full of pictures, as well as decoration. Today many beautiful ornaments for the hijab because it is also prohibited, including air-tabarruj for decoration appeared, also includes a thin veil that was still visible (form) hair, ears and neck (sorry) called hood slang. Which is short but dileher wrapped and stapled shiny jock bling-bling/nge-bling term.

Third: Hijab should be broad and not narrow so it does not describe his posture.

Fourth: Hijab does not show the slightest part of her leg.

Fifth: The Hijab is not worn torn so as not to reveal the woman's body or jewelry. And also should not resemble men's clothing. Here includes both fabric pants / jeans. For the newly veiled Muslim women wearing trousers but should quickly uninstalled. Indeed, every person needs to process or time, but until when would be a "cocoon"? Because the cocoon will inevitably turn into a butterfly. Butterfly more beautiful, and charming. Also because Allah curse, men who like women, and women who resemble men.

Muslim women should also take off the high heels (high heels) because the woman who runs with elevated privileges such as the course of her ignorance. The women of ignorance, when it runs it will stomp their feet to hear a clatter of feet bracelets and the men would turn his eyes on them. While modern-day woman's anklet ignorance is replaced by the modern women's high heels, which stamped her foot to get the attention of men. This also includes tabarruj.

He said:

"And they do not know jewelry slapped his leg so they hide" (An-Nur: 31)

Tabarruj means ornamented with beauty, and appeared to show the beauty of body and facial beauty.

Qatadah said: "That woman is way far-fetched and flirtatious". Meanwhile, Imam Al-Bukhari said: "tabarruj is the act of a woman who menapakkan beauty to others."

He said:

"And do you ornate and behave (bertabarruj) like the people who once were ignorance" (Al-Ahzab 33)

If a woman decorated her husband's intended for anyone other than God will burn with the fire of hell, as decorated for besides her husband include tabarruj. If a woman does something like this means that he has committed treason and destruction to her husband.

Rasullah said:

"A woman is prohibited from ornate to other than her husband."

(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i)

Many women who objected to cover her face and her beauty is not natural, and did not realize that their bodies and faces have been used as a business tool. And strangely again and said they were furious as sexual harassment when it is said that the mini dress them the cause of rape, but they are proud to see pictures of them with a thin dress and mini dipampang the middle path as an advertisement. Everything that makes them forget to do the commands of Allah. to always cover the private parts, because they think the progress is with tabarruj.

What a loss and unfortunately Muslim women who dare to oppose Allah SWT. but he did not dare to oppose their desires.

Women are being educated to love and issued bertabarruj denied despite arguments by a sleaze. This is in line with what God difirmakan:

"Those who disbelieve argue with falsehood in order that they can eliminate that right, and they mengaggap Our revelations and warnings against them as a mockery." (Al-Kahf 56)

Let the Muslim woman to know tabarruj is a hallmark of ignorance and backwardness. Even ignorance is as evident as the women proudly naked in front of a crowd.

And let a Muslim woman rushed to the path of Allah SWT., That is the way to heaven. And let him leave the path of Satan. And let him know that people who do not get light Quran will always be bound in error.

Dear Muslim, let us together change and leave all the foolishness. Let us be equally true that Muslim women who pursue the path of Allah SWT. To always receive blessings and mercy of Allah SWT. In the world and the Hereafter.


* Fiqh Women - kamil Shaikh Muhammad 'Uwaidah, Reader Al Kautsar

* Measuring the "price" of Women - (ed.) Syafiq Hashim, publisher Mizan

* Take or Leave Altogether Islam COMPLETELY - Ust. Ahmad Fawzi S.Ag., Islamic Markaz Bogor Friday Bulletin (issue 352/18 Jumada 1432 H/22 Early April 2011)

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